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The work from the hands of Your Op’s top management and employees was fulfilled in a very dedicated and focused way. Your Op provided us with visible results and some of the Danish companies were able to establish a long-term relation to one or more of the matches.

We can only give our best recommendations to anyone in order to team up with Your Op for any European-Asian business development task. When it comes to establishing European-Chinese contacts for business development, it turned out that the two founders of Your Op, Ms. Ching Ping and Ching Foe Au, have a deep understanding of both Chinese business environment and due to their upbringing in Europe, they have the same of European cultural behavior. The team was good at assisting the Danish SME’s to understand the Chinese partners better.

Besides, the team being well-educated, took pride in delivering sublime results and clearly expressed that they required a dedicated effort from us too, in order to be able to deliver the asked for results. Hence, they were brilliant at matching expectations with us, and in that way, we also felt safe during the cooperation.

Karin Vith Ankerstjerne, General Manager of Denmark Innovation House